Duration: 12 hours
Team Members: 3
Skills Applied: Laser Cutting, Rapid Prototyping, Sketching, SolidWorks
Tools Used: Rabbit Laser Cutter

This project was a set of glasses that had modular, stack-able lenses that would allow the user to shape their viewing experience as they wanted.
The glasses were constructed with color gels, small magnets, and laser cut clear acrylic. The attachments were independent per side, allowing the user to mix colors as they wished. Additionally, there were lenses that featured fresnel lenses, allowing the user to view the world through a distorted view. The magnets were strong enough that 2 sets of lenses could be attached in series. This project was done over the course of a single day. Further expansion upon this idea would include much higher build quality and many more lens options.

Documentation can be seen on the next page.